Just a few words about me


This is Shahid Ikram, a computer science enthusiast, currently working as a Software Engineer at Microsoft.

I was born in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Moved to India in '06 and been living here since then.

Cannot feel more nostalgic remembering 'em school days. No Doubt those were the best days. St. Norbert School, The place that laid the foundation to where I stand today!.
Moving on to the next phase of life, the next step, it was the Pre-University course, the place where shit actually starts getting real xD. I studied at Christ Junior College. With all the pressures of boards, entrance exams, career choices, university picking... life actually started seeming daunting. But then as they say: Eventually it all works out well in the end and if doesn't then its not the end! Long story short, signed up for Engineering in Computer Science at PES University. Starting from a point where I had absolutely no exposure to Computer Science or Programming of any sort, it turned out to be one hell of a journey.

I am a gamer. Can literally spend a whole day hooked to my PS. I like RPG's, TPS kinda games. My favorites include: The Uncharted collection, Tomb Raider series, GTA V ofcourse, The Last Of Us, God Of War 4, Watchdogs, Assains Creed Series. Apart from these kinda games I also enjoy FIFA alot. I've played every edition since '14 xP.

Apart from gaming, I enjoy reading, mostly non-fiction. Also I relish those long solo bike rides with music on. There's absolutely nothin a long solo ride can't ameliorate!

I believe hardwork is the key to everything. If you put in effort into something it will definitely pay.

Lines of code written